Category Archives: knowledge

It feels like…….

We have been brain washed and programmed throughout our whole lives to forget this forgotten wisdom inside of us. It’s as if our memory has been erased. It makes sense to me that governments don’t want us to connect to our inner self and spiritually evolve to the next level of consciousness on the path to enlightenment because once that is achieved they can no longer control us. We are all here to learn and to grow and to spiritually evolve and I am on the path to enlightenment and I am becoming the change I want to see in this world. I don’t even feel like I’m learning, I’m remembering. It doesn’t matter to me if you think I’m wrong or right, this Is simply my truth and what I believe in, I dont need any proof I can feel it with all my heart and my truth has already inspired quite a few people and it resonates with them and they somehow just know what I’m talking about, they don’t know how they know, they just know, as if they are simply remembering as well and I was simply reminding them why we are here.

Trust Law – We Have Really No idea Of Anything In Regard To Who We Are

You were born a human baby in the PRIVATE and your parents registered your name and live birth vitals into the PUBLIC, when they filled in an application for registration of a live birth.  The application was turned into a trust registered in the books of a Vital Statistics Office. The trust was then amalgamated into an even larger trust called the PUBLIC trust, along with all the other babies born throughout the years. Her Majesty is the Settlor of the trust(s) on behalf of the beneficiaries, the flesh and blood living men and women, who are never told their trust exists.

The government took an extract from the application for registration of a live birth, a few days following the application process and created a second you, with your exact name and vitals, without any disclosure to your parents. A new human resource was registered, called a corporation or body politic, evidenced by the Certificate of Birth you received with your name written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. The Certificate of Birth is not signed by your parents, it is signed by the Registrar and/or Director of births, deaths, marriages, adoptions and baptisms, at a Vital Statistics Office.

Declare Yourself Sovereign

Declare Yourself Sovereign

When I told God that I wanted to move past all limitations in my spiritual expansion , I didn’t realize that would inevitably mean declaring SOVEREIGNTY and disavowing the legitimacy of the Government and refusing it jurisdiction over me, the flesh-and-blood, ensouled man, the embodied Spirit.

What is Sovereignty?

Sovereignty means having absolute unfettered freedom and supreme dominion over your realm- that you are King of your own domain and are governed by the Laws of Nature, or Common Law, and NOT the “laws” of morally-bankrupt corporations and their “security guards”- the State and Law Enforcement personnel.

Who else wants to declare “Sovereignty”?

Let’s all pool our resources and start an off-the-grid EcoVillage!

Yoga and Music and Gardening and drumming and dancing and storytelling around the bonfire every night- Festival Life 24/7 powered by Enlightened Creative Thought, Agape Love and Seva Service!